Mentorship program

New product from the author of Devopstrain

What is it?

This is individual mentorship for the most effective learning of the DevOps engineer profession and achieving your ultimate goals: salary increase, grade improvement, and getting the desired job.

What programs are available?

Starting from April 2024, there are 2 programs: full and shortened. The programs are similar; the shortened one differs in that it does not include a practical project and has 3 consultations (instead of 4). You can pay the difference at any time and switch to the full program.

What does the full program include?

  • 4 consultations (one hour each), where we will assess your experience, skills, priorities, aspirations, and develop an individual plan with regular meetings for coordination and adjustment of training.

  • Full access to ALL platform courses, namely:

    • CI/CD
    • Terraform
    • Docker
    • Kubernetes
    • Kubernetes advanced
    • DevOps Roadmap
    • Linux & Networks (as soon as the course is ready)

    Courses are updated, and access to them is perpetual. I will help you complete all courses fully if you encounter any difficulties.

  • Project work, to gain practice in a real project that is currently running in production. The task: to deploy all 20 microservices in Kubernetes via CI/CD and Helm, with Kubernetes itself being deployed via Terraform in the cloud. Dependent cloud resources should also be created. All you have is the project's source code, action guide, and of course, my support.

  • Access to the DevOps case base, available only within this offer, it cannot be purchased separately. This is a selection from my DevOps practice: what situations occurred, what solutions were possible, and why a particular option was chosen.

  • Access to the interview questions and answers database - also available only in this program.

  • For solving current issues - urgent and priority support via email for the entire training period.

  • During our collaboration, we will create the most attractive resume, analyze which vacancies make sense to apply for, and what questions are asked in interviews.

  • A certificate confirming the acquired skills can be issued upon request.

How long does the training last?

It depends on your pace. I guarantee you support for the entire duration of the training (6 months for the full program and 4 months for the shortened program, with the possibility of extension).


Since I am not willing to sacrifice the quality of training and support, unfortunately, I can take no more than 5 people at a time. However, because the workload is uneven and as people complete their training and spots open up, feel free to write to me, and we can discuss your case.

UPD: As of June 2024, there is still 1 spot available.

How much does the training cost?

The price depends on your level, so it is set individually. However, I can say right away that it is significantly cheaper than the cost of popular courses on well-known platforms, which do not provide an individual approach.

What if I have already purchased courses on your platform?

In that case, the cost of the training program for you will be lower, as I take this into account when calculating the price.

What will I gain after completing the training?

Confident skills in working with popular DevOps tools, fundamental knowledge that you can apply in real work. Currently, the issue of internships for graduates is being worked out. There are companies interested in more thorough preparation of specialists than graduates of well-known services. In any case, I always recommend my students first when acquaintances from HR reach out to me. Of course, it doesn't end with an internship; after the program, you have every chance to get a decent job.

Who do I train?

Specialists at the Junior, pre-Junior, and Middle levels +-. If you are unsure, write to me, and I will consider each case individually. If you have no experience in IT at all, unfortunately, I cannot take you on for training at this stage. But! There is an option: after successfully completing the Linux & Networks course, you can join this program.

How is it different from courses on other platforms?

For convenience, I have presented the main differences in a table:

It is also worth noting that people come to this program even after taking "courses" on well-known platforms because achieving quality results in the mass market is more of an exception than the rule. I certainly cannot and do not plan to compete with these institutions because making empty promises about a salary of 300K in a nanosecond and job guarantees is definitely not in my rules. I only promise to give my maximum effort; the rest depends on the student. By the way, there are already some positive results from my students following the mentorship program, which I will soon share.

Reviews (UPD: 17.06.24)

The program is relatively new, but the first review from Artem is already in. Here it is:

I recently completed the "Mentorship Program" course and was satisfied. The course was well-structured, and the materials were clear and accessible. The practical assignments helped me better understand the theory and apply it in practice.

I especially want to highlight the work of the mentor. He always responded quickly and gave useful advice.

After completing the course, I was able to get a job in an IT company. The knowledge and skills I gained played a key role in this.

If you complete the "Project" at the end, consider that you have gained experience in a commercial project. In the interview, talk about the project, what you used, what you worked with. Your experience will be much higher than in other courses.

I recommend this course to anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge in DevOps and find a job in this field.

Artem, 17.06.24, LinkedIn

Payment in Installments

There is an option to pay in installments: 33% + 33% + 34%, with payments made each month. In this case, the cost increases by 10%. However, if you pay off the entire amount in the second month, the cost remains unchanged. For payments of 50% + 50%, everything remains the same, and it is interest-free.

Where to Contact?

I would be happy to receive an email from you at, or a message on Telegram.

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