Linux & Networks

Course “Linux & Networks”

Learn the very basics on which the internet and DevOps, in particular, are built. The unique format of the course will allow you to really get your hands dirty, delving into the depths of Linux. A separate and very important part of the course is the study of computer networks in an understandable format. This course combines all the best solutions from previous courses and adds its own unique features.

Practice objectives (18 lessons)

  1. History of Linux and its Contribution
  2. Installing Linux (desktop)
  3. First Steps in Linux
  4. Working with the File System
  5. User Privilege System
  6. Working with Devices
  7. Processes, Threads, and Signals
  8. Text Editors and Utilities
  9. Initialization System (systemd)
  10. Package Management
  11. Kernel and Modules
  12. Monitoring and Logging
  13. Version Control System Git
  14. Ubuntu Server Edition
  15. Networking in Linux
  16. Security and Backups
  17. Bash Scripting
  18. Ansible Basics

Course price

$ 220

$ 199
Start for free

First 3 tasks in the course are free

In this course, you will learn about the history of Linux and its contribution to the development of the computer industry, how to install Linux on a desktop, and the differences between various distributions. You will be taught the basics of using Linux, including system navigation and basic commands.

You will become familiar with the Linux file system, learn to work with file access rights, and manage user privileges. Moreover, you will be able to configure and manage physical devices in Linux.

You will receive training on creating, stopping, restoring, and deleting processes. You will study various aspects of process management, including threads and signals. You will also be trained on popular text editors in Linux and utilities for working with text.

You will learn to use systemd for system initialization, service management, and unit management. Additionally, you will learn how to install, update, and remove software through the package manager, and master the basic principles of working with the Linux kernel and its modules, including compiling and installing the kernel and modules.

An important part of the course will be learning how to maintain system operation logs, tactics for detecting and fixing issues. You will learn how to troubleshoot problems in Linux and manage source code versions using the Git tool. Special attention will be given to the Ubuntu server version, where you will learn to deploy and configure services.

Further attention will be given to networking in Linux. During the training, you will understand the basic network protocols and utilities, learn to work with network interfaces and IP configuration. Work on ensuring security in Linux and learning how to make data backups will also be covered.

You will analyze the most common network problems and learn methods to solve them. Finally, you will study the command-line scripting language, techniques, and best practices for using it, and begin learning the basics of working with Ansible.

What do I get after completing the course?
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  • Understanding the philosophy of Linux/Unix
  • Confident skills in working with the most popular operating system
  • Ability to install and configure the system for personal use
  • Understanding how networks and protocols work and the ability to configure a network in Linux
  • A solid foundation for mastering other DevOps technologies
  • Best practices and the most valuable insights from real practical work, without unnecessary information
  • An important line in your resume
Who is this course for?
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For beginners who want to learn more about the modern approach to working with Linux, and those who want to master related professions.

How does the automatic task verification work?
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Depending on the task, a special algorithm compares your work with the required result.

What basic preparation do I need to complete the tasks?
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You will only need the most basic computer skills.

How long is this course designed to take?
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The estimated time to complete this course is 40-50 hours. There are no schedules; you learn at your own pace and always continue from where you left off.

If I can't find the answer to my question, will you help?
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Yes, we will help! If something is unclear at any step, ask us. If some information is missing, ask us. We might add a new section.

Can I skip some tasks and move directly to any task?
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Yes, you can. However, keep in mind that some tasks depend on one or more previous tasks. In such cases, you need to complete them first.

What makes this course different from similar courses on well-known educational platforms?
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To begin with, this is not a classic course, but a practicum. Theory is given in the context of tasks. The price/benefit and learning time/benefit ratios are incredible due to the focus on results.

After completing the course, can I join the mentorship program?
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Yes, you can. The mentorship program does not imply training from scratch, so if you successfully complete the course, it will mean that you already know and can do something.

How it works


You receive detailed instructions and theory for completing each task and a ready-made test stand


After completing the task, your result is automatically checked


For each course assignment, you can ask a question to the author and receive an answer. It is important to us that everything is clear to you

Mentorship Programm (4-6 months)

Personalized approach

During the first one-on-one online meeting, we will determine your goals and skills. We will then create a professional growth plan tailored to you.

Practical learning

You are moving according to plan, including using our courses.

Regular meetings

The program includes 4 personal consultations during which we will definitely address all questions.

Real project work

After mastering the course materials, you can move on to a project that has a real-world counterpart in production and operates on the same codebase. At this stage, the previously acquired knowledge will be reinforced. You will be provided with the source code, instructions, and support.

Unique learning materials

Only within the training program you will have access to materials, including a selection of real DevOps cases, problems, and solutions.

A sense of confidence

After successfully completing the program, you will be confident in your abilities and the new practical skills you have acquired.

Learn more
Install Linux    Install Linux from scratch today

Own platform

The platform designed for effective learning includes a convenient web interface and the internal part based on virtualization to assess the result of your work.



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You gain practical knowledge by completing tasks in a ready-made, actually working environment

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Preparation for training is minimal, start right away!

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Instant check of each task makes it possible to immediately know the result of your work

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Feedback from the course author at every step - clarify any details if something is unclear

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Each course is updated. We constantly supplement and update materials, so they always remain relevant

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The latest versions and proprietary utility - Kurator

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Upon completion of the course you can request a certificate from DevopsTrain

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The price is incomparably lower than known courses, and the effect is better

Install Linux    Install Linux from scratch today



CTO, DevOps engineer, Golang developer. Author and creator of DevopsTrain


Partner relations manager


Course curator. She will always help you!


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